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Radio Frequency Diode Laser

It combines the action of radiofrequency and infrared laser to counteract physiological alterations that affect the face and body. Compared to normal radiofrequency, the diode laser is much more effective in treating blemishes such as cellulite and localized fat.


Discover the rental and/or purchase solutions available for the Radio Frequency Diode Laser technology

Synergistic action of radio frequency and an infrared laser

Strong lipolytic action

Stimulates collagen regeneration

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Diode laser radiofrequency combines the lipolytic action of infrared with the remodeling, toning and smoothing effect of radiofrequency. It promotes a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue making it compact and toned.

The laser diode radiofrequency combines the action of 950nm infrared rays with that of capacitive monopolar radiofrequency which generates deep heating, improving blood and lymphatic microcirculation. It therefore promotes a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients with a consequent increase in cellular metabolism and promotes the drainage of toxins.

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It effectively treats edematous cellulite (first and second stage) with a significant reduction in localized edema and water retention and fibrous cellulite (third and fourth stage) with an improvement in tissue tone and the unsightly “orange peel”.
Its action on the body determines localized weight loss with a significant loss of centimeters and an increase in tissue tone.


Cutting-edge technologies for scientifically based results

Personalized training

Personalized training at the institute or at our Academy to train staff in the correct use of technology

Technical assistance guaranteed

A team of technicians at your service for any need and a scientific division to fully support the activity in the cabin

Rental and purchase solutions

You can choose between different rental or purchase solutions for each of our technologies depending on the needs of your business.

  • Do you also sell to private users?
    No, we only deal with professional figures from the advanced beauty field or from the pharmaceutical, medical and/or physiotherapy field. It is necessary to have a VAT number to buy our technologies
  • Can I use the technologies even if I am not a beautician?
    Our technologies can only be used by qualified staff, who possess a beauty qualification or a degree in a medical field.
  • Do you only offer purchase solutions?
    No, there are different commercial solutions for both purchase and rental for our technology park to meet the specific needs of each business. Our sales consultants are available to provide all information and technical details.
  • Do you offer a training for the correct use of technologies?
    Of course we do. First and foremost, the company offers customised training either at the institute or at our Academy to train staff in the correct use of the technology. In addition, technical training days on all our technologies are held periodically within the training schedule of our Academy. Finally, the company's scientific and technical division remains at the customer's disposal for all after-sales support.
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